• The primary aim of the school is to give its pupils an education in keeping with the culture and tradition of the country. They are trained to realise their responsibilities and to develop a strong civic sense or spirit that will prepare them for leadership in the society to which they belong. Emphasis is placed on the knowledge and love of God, the formation of a true moral conscience, appreciation of family life and the service of their country.
  • A pupil who fails to attain the required standard in languages will not be promoted. Reports on general progress will be sent to parents during the year. These should be studied carefully and returned to the school authorities signed by a parent or a guardian. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year's work. The annual examination is meant to confirm the result of the year. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is FINAL.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the tone of the school are sufficient reason for the dismissal of a pupil.
  • No books, periodicals, pictures or newspapers shall be brought into the school without the permission of the Principal.
  • Every pupil is expected to subscribe towards small school shows and local charities and pay the requisite fees for all school examinations.
  • Pupils are expected to behave in a lady-like manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and all members of the staff with respect and politeness. They must show gentleness and courtesy to their companions. Refinement of manners, upright ness and self-restraint should distinguish every pupil of the school.
  • Enrollment in the school implies, on the part of the pupil and parent, willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  • The Principal has the right to suspend attendance or require the withdrawal of any pupil, without having to assign any reason, provided that she is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
  • Since it is an English medium school, pupils are expected to speak in English during school hours.
  • Attendance is compulsory on non-teaching activity days such as Independence Day, Teachers' Day, Sports Day Concert Days, Children’s Day, Fete, etc.
  • Pupils are responsible for their own books, money etc., and are advised to keep them in a locked bag or case. Nothing of a valu able nature should be brought to school. Such as Electronic gadgets like iPods, mobile phones, pen drives, cameras etc. All will ful damage to school property must be remedied at the cost of the offender. Pupils are not allowed to bring mobiles to school. If caught they will be confiscated.
  • Students are not permitted to give personal gifts to members of the staff. Junior children are permitted to give only sweets on their birthdays.
  • No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the Principal's previous sanction.
  • Contact Us

  • Dhankheti, Shillong,
    District, India
  • Pin Code: 793003
    Phone No.: 0364 222 5559
  • Website:
  • e-Care Email ID:
  • e-Care Contact No: 7991393903
  • Website when opened through e-Care Pro app on mobile, gives much optimized and concise look with better experience than PC or laptop browsing.

  • Attendance, schedule, academic records, syllabus, conversation, assignments H.W etc everything is now available on mobile app.

  • Sequential log of all received SMS with sender’s image.

  • Easy view of photo albums after receiving updating SMS from e-Care team

  • Easy view of photo albums after receiving updating SMS from e-Care team

  • Instant push notification for all the messages.

  • Applying leave of absence on behalf of your ward is easy with the app. You will get instant notification on your app of leave’s approval or rejection.

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